Countdown to Christmas
The calendar shows we're fast approaching the final countdown to Christmas and shopping is getting crazy. We have great gift ideas for the quilters on your list. The best don't have to leave your house, you can stay in your jammies and you can finish your shopping without the hassle of fighting the crowds, fighting bad weather or fighting for parking spots!
We've added two more self-binding flannel baby quilts to our inventory. These blankets go together quickly and turn out super cute. Take it from me, they can be addicting to make!!
 (click here)
Our newest quilt kit is made from the same Bonnie Sullivan Woolies flannels found in our Bertie's Spring BOM and kit. This 56" x 68" throw goes together quickly and would be perfect to snuggle under on a cold winter day with a good book. The kit includes all flannels needed to complete the top and binding.
 (click here)
I just finished making our Jewel in the Night quilt for my cousin Sara who loved the fabrics but doesn't sew! Our cousin Tammy has a long arm quilting machine in her sewing room and is going to quilt it for Sara. The beautiful black, yellow and gray prints are going to end up being a crazy cousin quilt, made with lots of love. We only have two kits left!
 (click here)
If you aren't sure what kit would work for the quilter on your list, you can select a Milk Bottle Quilt Company gift certificate. They come in a variety of denominations and can be purchased at the last minute. An added bonus..they are easy to wrap and mail!
 (click here)
I have a cute story to share about our gift certificates. We donated a flannel blanket kit and a gift certificate as door prizes at our annual quilt guild's Christmas dinner. We spent a lovely evening with our quilting friends enjoying good food, great company, a gift exchange game, we revealed secret sisters and closed with show and tell. The winner of our gift certificate was Lise, co-owner of our local quilt store, Experience Quilts. We shared a laugh over the odds of the woman with the LARGEST fabric stash in town winning our gift certificate!

All of us here at Milk Bottle Quilts want to wish each and every one of our quilting friends a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.