Over & Down Under Woolies Flannel Quilt Kit
This eye catching quilt kit is made from the same Bonnie Sullivan Woolies flannels by Maywood Studios found in the Bertie's block of the month patterns. This pattern is available in a neutral version and a colorful version. We couldn't resist the bright, fun, colorful version. A simple hint: assemble the quilt using your walking foot because the flannels are thicker and may stretch. They don't fray which is a plus! The kit contains a jelly roll of (40) 2-1/2" strips of bright flannels, 1 1/2 yards of black herringbone flannel for piecing and binding and an Over & Under pattern from All Throught the Night. This quilt's finished size is 56" square. Check out our Woolies Flannels selection, which are 20% off, for your quilt back. You will need to order 3.5 yards for your backing.